

Prime Minister Victor Ponta, EU Commissioner Dacian Ciolos and Agriculture Minister Daniel Constantin visiting our company stand at the Organic Trade Fair “Biofach” the globally largest organic trade fair, February 2013, Nürnberg, Germany

Romanian Academy of Science, Bucharest, December 2010, receiving the scientific award-prize “Eudoxiu Hurmuzaki” for the book on Baritiu from Acad. Ionel Haiduc, President of the Academy

European Parliament, Brussels, June 9, 2010: Presentation of the trilingual book (English-German-Romanian) of Stefan Sorin Mureşan “Parliamentary Discourse of a Romanian from Transylvania in Vienna between 1863-1865. George Bariţiu, Member of Parliament in the Austrian Monarchy”, published December 2008. A radio interview can be heard on the Romanian version of this page.

November 2009, Landeszentrale for Political Formation of Bayern and Thüringen, Ettersberg Foundation, Weimar, Germany, Presentation on “Economic Transformations in Romania twenty years after the fall of the Iron Courtain”.

March 2009, Romanian Academy of Science, Institute for History “George Bariţiu”, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Scientific presentation of the book “Parliamentary Discourse of a Romanian from Transylvania in Vienna between 1863-1865. George Bariţiu, Member of Parliament in the Austrian Monarchy”.

December 2007, Bucharest, Romania, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, with Adrian Cioroianu, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Romania

January 2006, Cluj – Napoca, Romania, University Babes-Bolyai, Institute for International Studies, with four University Professors, Presentation of the newly published book “British Interests in Romania? British Foreign Policy Towards Romania in the Twentieth Century. An Interdisciplinary Analysis”.

May 2003, Bucharest Hilton, The First Rating Conference for Romania and the Black Sea Countries, with Deloitte & Touche Tohmatsu Washington D.C., Standard & Poor’s London, Fitch Ratings Warsaw

February 1998, Madrid, Spain, the Romanian delegation and an Israeli business man at the conference “Global Benefits of Tourism” with Charles Frank Vice-President of the EBRD

April 1998, Hannover, Germany, the Romanian parliamentary delegation with the then prime minister of Lower Saxony, Gerhard Schröder

April 1997, Bucharest, Prime Minister’s Headquarters, receiving the official German delegation led by vice-chancellor Klaus Kinkel, together with Romanian Prime Minister Victor Ciorbea

August 1996, Washington D.C., The Capitol, with Brad Byrd, top civil servant of the US House of Representatives